We discussed taking action for better health and long life in the previous post.

To  eat healthy, live healthy and be healthy; men and women have tried various types of diets to lose and maintain weight, gain muscle, and boost concentration as well as increase productivity being part of lifestyle strategies for better health.


In the past, there were the GM Diet and Atkins Diet among others.

Now among many diet plans, there are 9 popular ones:
• Intermittent Fasting
• Mediterranean Diet
• The Ketogenic Diet
• If It Fits Your Macros
• Veganism
• Carnivore Diet
• Paleo Diet
• Dessert with Breakfast Diet
• Sirtfood Diet

No diet is the be-all, end-all for your health goals. You can lose weight in any diet, as long as it is calorie deficit, (that is you burn more calories than you ingest). You can choose whichever diet suits you and your general health conditions as long as the diet follows the calorie deficit rule.

Healthy & Nutritious

Your diet should be wholesome and comprises of carbohydrate (even if low-carb), high quality fats and protein. For deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, supplements, could be added. However, it is best to consult a doctor or a nutritionist before going on a diet if you already have a medical condition such as diabetes, hypertension, kidney and heart impairments.

In this post, we will introduce in general the types of diet as listed above.


Intermittent Fasting PlanBefore & After IF







This is not a diet per se, but more  of an eating strategy. You either eat   within a certain time frame and fast thereafter or you fast a set number of hours before your meal.

Most people apply the 8:16 split, that is you consume your calories in an eight-hour eating window and fast for the other 16 hours of the day. You can also do a 10:16, 16:10, or even 6:20 eating: fasting split.
In intermittent fasting, you are eating fewer calories since you are compacting them into a narrower time frame, as opposed to consuming food throughout the day.
During the fasting period, zero-calorie beverages such as black coffee, herbal teas, and sparkling and plain water can be consumed.
Several studies have shown that intermittent fasting will not only lead to weight loss but also help improve insulin resistance, reduce oxidative stress on your cells, stabilize blood sugar levels, and reduce the incidence of strokes.


mediterranean diet

As the name implies, the Mediterranean Diet is derived by the eating culture of people who live near the Mediterranean Sea. Those countries include Greece, Italy, Spain, Lebanon, Turkey, and more. These countries have some of the longest longevity of populations in the world. According to a study in the Lancet Medical Journal, Spain’s citizens’ live expectancy is an average age of 85.8 years; compared to that of the United States’ of about 78.5 years.
The Mediterranean diet is rich in heart-friendly foods such as vegetables, fish, fruit, grains, olive oil, and nuts. Consumption of red meat is kept to a minimum, and dairy intake is moderate and consists of high-quality sources such as low sugar yogurt and cheeses.
Experts have observed that people in the Mediterranean have healthy lifestyle habits. Typically, these people are more physically active, (less sedentary), drink and smoke less, and have better sleeping habits.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that not only did the Mediterranean Diet leads to sustainable weight loss, but it was also the easiest for people to adhere to when compared to intermittent fasting and the paleo diet. When adhered to consistently, over a period of time, the diet has also been found to reverse symptoms of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.


Keto Plan

In recent years, the Ketogenic diet has captured the attention of the market. Many recipe books encompassing a complete array of meals from daily meals to desserts have been compiled.
But what is it actually? Keto, for short, is a diet that targets fat as the primary calorie source (65-75 percent of your daily calories), with moderate protein consumption (20-30 percent) and very low carbohydrates or carbs (only about five percent, though some versions prohibit carbs altogether). Which means you’ll be eating a lot of avocados, eggs, and cheeseburgers without bun.

The Keto diet was designed to keep the body in a near-constant state of ketosis, a metabolic state where the body creates ketones from fat to use as energy instead of sugar from carbs (the body’s primary and preferred energy source). There have also been claims it may help treat cancer and even respiratory illnesses.

As mentioned above, weight loss comes down to calories in vs. calories out. Several studies point out keto is no more effective for weight loss when calories are matched with other diets.


Most people cannot stick to a specific diet regiment, eating the same thing day in and day out. It takes the fun out of meals and make life unbearable. “If It Fits Your Macros,” is a more flexible diet approach that lets you eat whatever you want as long as you hit your pre-determined protein, carbs, and fat ratios.
First, you must determine how much of each macronutrient, (carb, protein and fat) you need to eat per day to accomplish your targets, whether to lose weight or gain weight. A dietitian is the person to consult for a macro calculator.
An acceptable start would be: the macronutrient range of 45-65 percent of your daily calories from carbs, 20-35 percent from fat, and 10-35 percent from protein.

From there, make sure that everything you eat fits into those macros by tracking what you eat on an app like MyFitnessPal. You can eat a slice of pizza or your favourite cake as long as you do not exceed your carbs or fat limit. This could prove to be difficult for many people. If you over indulge at lunch, you will need to reduce in proportion for the rest of the day and, theoretically, may be forced to eat a pure protein meal for dinner.

IIFYM is often touted as an anti-diet, but it is absolutely a diet. Your macros will only allow for so many treats. Most of the time, you’ll be eating the typical healthy foods, so your macros remain balanced and you stay full.


Vegan Meal

Veganism is one of the fastest-growing movements in the United States and Europe. Six percent of Americans identified as vegans in 2017, up from just one percent in 2014. And the alternative meat industry — which includes products such as Beyond Burgers — is expected to be valued at $140 billion over the next decade.

While mainstream media considers it a diet, wherein followers avoid animal-based products, some consider it a lifestyle (many vegans avoid wearing any leather or animal hide). A few years ago, vegans would only eat beans, legumes, grains, egg-free pasta, fruits, and vegetables. But advances in technology have allowed the alternative meat industry have provided vegans access to a wider variety of products.

Various studies point to veganism’s benefits. One study that followed 250,000 people and their eating habits found that vegans had a 25 percent lower risk of heart disease and an eight percent lower risk of cancer than those who ate animal products.

Vegans, however, are at a higher risk of being deficient in vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, vitamin D, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which are vital to everyday health.


Carnovore Diet

The Carnivore diet is the opposite of a Vegan diet. Vegetables are not a part of the Carnivore diet. Carnivore dieters only eat animal-based products — meat, cheese, milk, animal-based fats, and eggs (though some variations only allow meat, no eggs, and dairy). Strictly there are no grains, no vegetables, and no fruits.

Also known as the Zero Carb Diet, it’s basically a variation of the keto diet since it’s fat and protein are prioritized over carbs. This diet approach flies in the face of scientific research that proves that limiting your meat intake can extend your life and improve cardiovascular health. It claims that it can fight inflammation and prevent nutrient deficiencies. It can lead to weight loss, especially since protein increases the body’s thermic effect of feeding —the energy it takes to digest food.

The scientific consensus, is that this diet may lead to an increased risk of heart disease, cancer, gut problems, and an overall risk of death because there are no fruits or vegetables which provide the fibre.


Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet, sometimes called “The Caveman Diet,” could be considered better than the carnivore diet. In addition to meat, you’re also eating fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds. In this diet you need to avoid grains, dairy, processed foods, beans, legumes, and sugars.

Studies have shown that it’s effective in helping people lose weight, drop their blood pressure, and improve other blood markers.  Many researchers, however, do not think there is ample evidence of its positive impact on health and thus more research needs to be done. Others were not in favour of excluding whole grains, which has been shown to prevent heart disease and diabetes.


oat breakfastomelette


How about adding a biscuit or a slice of cake to your morning plate of eggs and oatmeal?  Well, it is possible to do so. The Dessert with Breakfast Diet is exactly what it sounds like — a sweet treat to accompany your breakfast in the morning. It sounds too good to be true, but there is proof that it works.

A 2012 study in the journal Steroids found that people who ate a high-carb, high-protein meal that included a dessert lost more weight and kept it off for the duration of the eight-month-long study than those who had a low-carb, high-protein breakfast.

Some studies have shown that sugar may be addictive, and some people may not be able to stop at one.  Another study had participants treated themselves to snack foods such as Cheetos, Snickers, and Coca-Cola. After tasting once, their second treat rose by an average of 38%.  Processed junk food is engineered to taste great, so if you are not careful, you may not be able to resist common junk foods. All your diet goals will thus, be in vain.



Sirtfoodsirtfood 2

The Sirtfood Diet has grown in popularity in recent years due to the support and endorsement by certain celebrities. Created by nutritionists Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten, the diet focuses on foods high in sirtuins, (or sirts), a group of proteins found in the body that regulate metabolism.

Foods high in sirts include red wine, dark chocolate, walnuts, Medjool dates, walnuts, arugula, coffee, capers, and extra-virgin olive oil.

Following the Sirtfood Diet, however, is not as simple as just eating those foods. Goggins and Matten recommended a two-phase approach. You drink three sirtfood green juices and eat one full meal rich in sirtfoods, which amounts to 1,000 calories for three days, in the first phase. On days four to seven, your caloric intake is increased to 1,500.

In Phase two, you eat three sirtfood-rich meals per day and a green juice for two weeks. After that, you can either repeat that process or stick to a diet rich in sirts while continuing to drink at least one juice per day.

The celebrity endorsements aside, there is little evidence that this specific diet works for weight loss or better health. One study found that mice with high sirt levels had more fat loss than other mice. However, there is no mention of total calories consumed or other notable weight-loss factors.


Keeping to a healthy diet plan is an important factor in maintaining your health. Nutritious food keep your body function at its best. It also helps to chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes at bay. There are many references to healthy recipes that do not have to be expensive or difficult. Here are a few tips for eating healthy:

      • Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables
      • Include whole grains in your diet
      • Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks
      • Make sure you are getting enough protein and healthy fats

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be complicated. By following these simple tips, you can easily improve your diet.


Diet refers to whatever we eat every day. Diet is based on culture and habits. What work for one person may not work for another.

The best diet for you is the one that will help you reach your goals but that you can afford to follow consistently with ease and comfort. Over a period of time, the diet may lead to better health, delay the onset of diseases and promoting longevity.


Check out the following programs:

A  Natural Blood Pressure Program

Reverse Diabetes Naturally

Customize Your Keto Diet

Paleo Diet -The only Paleo Cookbook You ever Need

Note: We may earn commissions when you purchase through our affiliate links.


superb granny
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Everyone dreams of a perfectly healthy body. You can achieve this dream. It is not impossible. As you age, the need to be healthy becomes a priority if you want to continue leading an unencumbered lifestyle not impeded by ill-health.

Taking positive action for better health is the best option that you can do. Do you know that you can plan an ideal lifestyle for good health and a long life span?

Making small changes to your lifestyle can greatly impact your overall wellness. Today we will discuss what changes you can make to improve your health and wellbeing. Making these changes is easier than you think, and they will help you feel better both physically and mentally.

So, let’s get started!

1. Eat Healthy, Live Healthy, and Be Healthy

Live well, be healthy is maintaining your health by sticking to a healthy diet, every day. That is the first step. Eating healthy, nutritious foods helps your body to function at its best. It also helps to prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. There are many different ways to eat healthily, it does not have to be expensive or difficult.

Here are a few tips for eating healthy:

healthy diet  photo from





  • Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables
  • Include whole grains in your diet
  • Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks
  • Make sure you are getting enough protein and healthy fats

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be complicated. By following these simple tips, you can easily improve your diet.

Eating a healthy diet would also help you maintain a good weight.

2. Daily Exercise
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Starting an exercise regime is the second step. Exercises are another important way to maintain your health. It helps to control weight, reduce stress and improve moods. Exercise also has many other benefits, such as reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. The best way to get the most out of exercise is to make it a regular part of your routine.                                                     

Here are a few tips for getting started:

  • Start with moderate exercise and work your way up
  • Choose an activity that is easy and enjoyable, maybe with a friend
  • Exercise should include both aerobic and strength training exercises
  • Exercising doesn’t have to be hard or time-consuming. There are also various items you can use to maximize the effects of exercising, like sweater vests and comfortable running shoes.
  • By incorporating a little bit of exercise into your daily routine, you can improve your health physically and spiritually.
  • Regular exercise and a good diet would help you maintain a good BMI.

See my compiled healthy recipes and healthy and active lifestyle tips.

Healthy Recipes | @annhariz2022 | Flipboard

Healthy and Active Lifestyle | @annhariz2022 (

3. Take Time to Relax and Rewind-Me time

Me time
stock photo

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be tough to find time for yourself. But taking some time for yourself is important for your mental health as it relieves stress. When you take the time to clear your head, you allow yourself to relax and recharge. This can be done in various ways, such as meditation, reading, yoga, or simply taking a walk. Here are a few tips for finding time to clear your head:

      • Set aside time each day to relax
      • Turn off your phone and other electronic devices
      • Find an activity that helps you relax

Taking some time for yourself is essential for maintaining your tranquil mental state. By finding a way to relax and clear your head, you can reduce stress and anxiety.

4. Follow a Consistent Sleeping Routine

Stock photo

One of the most important things to achieve good health is to get enough sleep. I know for sure; that my blood pressure would tend to spike if I have a problem falling asleep at night. Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, even on weekends should be the goal. This may be difficult to do at first, but it will get easier with time.

A lack of sleep can lead to several health problems, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Poor sleep patterns also increase inflammation, slow down healing, and lower immunity.

Experts generally agree that adults need around seven to eight hours of sleep per night to allow our bodies to heal and recuperate. Older adults normally have a lighter sleep span but take a longer time to fall asleep and wake up multiple times during the night.

Toddlers and pre-schoolers need 10 -13 hours per 24 hours including naps. Children aged between 6-12 years old need 9-12 hours of sleep per 24 hours. Teenagers (13-18 years) need to sleep 8-10 hours per 24 hours.

How do we ensure the best way to stick to a consistent sleeping schedule?

By adopting the following tips, we can improve the quality of our sleep.

  1.  Don’t spend too long in bed

The first thing we often do when we can’t sleep is starting going to bed earlier, but this could be counterintuitive. ‘You should reduce the amount of time you spend in bed. Go to bed later and get up earlier, as this will encourage your body’s natural sleep drive to kick in. By reducing the time you spend in bed you will crave more sleep, fall asleep faster and find the quality of your sleep will improve.

  1.  Stop clock-watching

Tick tock, tick tock…staring at your alarm clock will only lead to further worry and anxiety. ‘It’s very tempting to look at the clock every time we wake up. We want to monitor how little sleep we are getting; however, this increases the pressure to fall back to sleep and makes it less likely. Set your alarm clock for the morning then avoid looking at the time again.

  1.  Manage your thoughts

A busy mind is one of the most common culprits in keeping us awake at night, and journaling can be an effective way to offload. Make time to jot down what is on your mind, this can be therapeutic as it is a way of getting things out of your head. ‘You don’t need to solve all of your problems, but when they are written in black and white you will get a different perspective on things. For example, worrying that tonight you might not sleep only makes it more likely that you won’t. Write down that thought and acknowledge it but then change your focus,’ says Kathryn.

  1.  Get active

You might not be able to get to the gym right now, but you can still keep moving. Exercise can have a beneficial effect on your sleep routine – it calms down your mind and keeps you feeling good. ‘Not only is exercise outdoors a great way to start the new year, but it’s also actually great for your mental and physical health, and anything you can do to reduce anxiety is beneficial for your sleep,’ believes Kathryn. There are plenty of ways you can get active – try one of our WF workouts or go for a daily run or walk.

  1.  Don’t lie in bed awake

If you wake up in the middle of the night, don’t lie under the covers tossing and turning. ‘The longer we lie in bed trying to fall back to sleep the more frustrated we get. This, in turn, means we begin to subconsciously relate bed to feeling stressed and being awake rather than asleep. Leave the bedroom and do something relaxing like reading a book downstairs, then when you are tired go back to bed.

Here are a few tips for creating healthy sleeping habits:

      •  Avoid caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol before bed
      • Avoid working or using electronic devices in bed. Keep all your gadgets especially mobile phones out of range
      • Create a relaxing bedtime routine

When it comes to sleep, consistency is key. By establishing a regular sleeping schedule, you will be less likely to suffer from the negative health effects of sleep deprivation.

Making these lifestyle changes is an important step in improving your wellness. By following the above tips, you can live a healthier and happier life. Looking good and feeling confident would go a long way to achieving the lifestyle you dream of.

Before we embark on the strategies to be healthy, there will be an initial preparation to ascertain our state of health, mentally and physically. Are we ready to step towards change?

As we progress, we will discuss in detail each of the strategies mentioned above. The first topic will be ‘eating well. As food is something we enjoy, we need to replace the ‘bad and unhealthy diet’ with appetizing and sumptuous food that is palatable and pleasing to eat, as a routine.


Check out the following programs:

A  Natural Blood Pressure Program

Reverse Diabetes Naturally

Customize Your Keto Diet

Paleo Diet -The only Paleo Cookbook You ever Need

Note: We may earn commissions when you purchase through our affiliate links.



First of all, I would like to wish everyone ‘ A Happy New Year’. As we start the new year, let us pray that it will be an amazing one. May peace,  happiness, and more smiles and loads of love spread across the world.

We need to keep safe and healthy as the pandemic Covid 19 is not showing signs of slowing down.

By staying healthy, we can concentrate on our goals and protect our wealth.

Now, what your BMI does not tell you about your state of health is worth thinking about. As the new year dawns, the goal of achieving a healthy lifestyle may be included in your resolutions.

By now we are familiar with the BMI system. Your doctor may have a BMI chart in his clinic next to the weight chart for a quick reference.

But of late there is a debate whether the BMI is a true measure of your health. A healthy weight, however, remains an important factor in monitoring health. . But two people can have the same BMI, but wildly different states of health. So, why is this so?

Maintaining a healthy weight is important, but there are additional factors that further define being healthy.


From my previous post on BMI, which is the number calculated using certain ratios of height and weight. It is more a health tool for public health to gauge obesity. Researchers use it as a tool to calculate an overall average weight of a population, not of individuals. BMI does not consider genetic differences. Two people of the same height and weight will have the same BMI. One of them may regularly exercise and does weight-lifting leading to a relatively low percentage of body fat. The other has a sedentary lifestyle risk factor and has a high percentage of body fat. But their weights are the same.

Their BMI being equal, does not justify and reflect the state of health for one of them. The active person could be in an overweight classification.  The ‘ couch potato’ person would be feeling a sense of good health.

BMI does not measure bone structure, muscle mass, fitness level or, what type of fat a person has.

Hence, for individuals, additional factors need to be considered.

BMI will still be used as a reference tool and will not be replaced any time soon. Many doctors and health professionals have started to find better ways to assess a person’s health. Health professionals have started to use different methods to assess a person’s health, with or without BMI.

In the U.S., the average BMI ranges between 24 and 27. Almost half of the population falls into the “pre-obesity” category. It is not a hard sell that many people in the U.S. could be overweight, But is it an actual reflection of health? A fit, healthy person with more muscle and less fat could still be lumped into an unhealthy BMI category.


Health is thus much more than a single BMI number calculation or marker. Humans are three-dimensional and thus would require multiple considerations to assess their state of health.

Waist Circumference or Waist-to-Hip Ratio

The waist-to-hip ratio, also known as the waist-hip ratio, is the circumference of the waist divided by the circumference of the hips. What does a person’s waist-to-hip ratio say about their health?

The waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) is a quick measure of fat distribution that may help indicate a person’s overall health. People carrying more weight around their middle are at a higher risk of developing certain health conditions.

How WHR is Measured?

The measuring tape is used to measure the waist circumference, W,  around your belly button. It is considered low risk for men who have waist circumference measurements of equal to 37 inches and lower. Women are at low risk if the waist measurement is equal to or lower than 31.5; while anything above falls under intermediate or high risk.

Then similarly, the widest part of your hip/buttocks, H, is measured.

Your waist-to-hip ratio is calculated as follows:

waist number is divided by hip number. W/H is the waist to hip ratio.
To enhance the method of calculation of WHR.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), having a WHR of over 1.0 may increase the risk of developing conditions that relate to being overweight, including heart diseasetype 2 diabetes and,  infertility. Doctors frequently measure the waist-to-hip ratio to evaluate visceral fat which may indirectly indicate the risk for the possible onset of serious disease.

This may be the case even if other measures of being overweight, such as BMI  are in a normal range.


The WHO advice that a healthy WHR is:

  • 0.85 or less for women
  • 0.9 or less for men

The following chart shows how the WHO classifies the risk of being affected by weight-related health conditions according to WHR:

Health risk Men Women
Low 0.95 or lower 0.80 or lower
Moderate 0.96-1.0 0.81-0.85
High 1.0 or higher 0.86 or higher

The Resting Pulse

The heartbeat is often an indicator of your state of health.

Another marker that is used to help assess heart health is the resting pulse rate. This is calculated by taking your pulse first thing in the morning before getting out of bed. Place your fingers on your wrist and find your pulse. Count the number of beats in 30 seconds and multiple by two to reach your resting heart rate. Alternatively, you can count your beats in 60 seconds and not have to do any extra math.

Nowadays smartwatches and smartphones can detect your pulse at all times, even when you are asleep. Thus, you can get the resting pulse reading as soon as you are awake. Another alternative is to use a blood pressure meter.

A resting pulse of 60 to 100 is considered normal, but athletes and extremely fit people may have a rate lower than 60, indicating an even more efficient and healthy heart. If you notice that your resting pulse is almost always pushing above the upper limit, then it is time to consult your doctor.

Other health markers are used together with the resting pulse to indicate a more complete picture of your state of heart, kidney and, liver health. The doctor will extract your blood specimen and conduct laboratory tests to measure your blood glucose levels during fasting and post meals. These measurements will be collated with your blood pressure, and weight measurements, cholesterol levels, and other blood indicators such as hemoglobin and mineral content, will help indicate the state of your liver and kidneys and how healthy your heart is .

Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure Meter

Blood pressure measures the amount of pressure exerted in arteries and veins as blood circulates  the body. The higher the number, the more pressure there is, which can indicate stress or even potential plaque problems in arteries, problems with the heart, or extreme stress. One in three adults has high blood pressure.

Blood pressure is measured in systolic (top) and diastolic (bottom) numbers. A normal, healthy reading for a young adult is considered to be 120/80 or lower. Stage 1 high blood pressure or pre-hypertension, is defined as a systolic measurement of 130-139 over a diastolic reading of 80-89. As numbers get higher from there, it is often diagnosed that you are in a more serious stage of hypertension (high blood pressure).

You can check your blood pressure at home using a digital cuff that you secure on your left arm, around your bicep.  These may not be as precise as in a doctor’s clinic. But using the same cuff at home regularly to measure blood pressure can indicate increases or decreases over time.

The following charts act as a guide to the blood pressure goals you should achieve.

The blood pressure measurement meter also gives the pulse reading.  As mentioned earlier, if the readings show an upward trend, it is time to see your doctor.

 1-12 months 75/50 110/75 90/60
     1-5 years 80/55 110/79 95/65
6 – 13 years 90/60 115/80 105/70
14 -19 years 105/73 120/81 117/77
20-24 years 108/75 132/83 120/79
25 -29 years 109/76 133/84 121/80
30-34 years 110/77 134/85 122/81
35-39 years 111/78 135/86 123/82
40-44 years 112/79 137/87 125/83
45-49 years 115/80 139/88 127/84
50-54 years 116/81 142/89 129/85
55 -59 years 118/82 144/90 131/86
60-64 years 121/83 147/91 134/87


15-18 117/77 120/79
19-24 120/79 120/85
25-29 120/80 121/80
30-35 122/81 123/82
36-39 123/82 124/83
40-45 124/83 125/83
46-50 126/84 127/84
51-55 129/85 128/85
56-60 130/86 131/87
60 ++ 134/87 135/88

Blood Glucose Level

Blood Glucometer

What is the normal blood sugar range?

People with diabetes have to test their blood glucose at home as a matter of routine regularly. Another health marker is the glucose level measurement. A normal, healthy fasting glucose range within 70 to 99 mg/dL (3.9 to 5.5 mmol/L). This is taken 8-12 hours after the last eating or drinking, normally first thing in the morning.

A blood sugar level less than 140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L) is normal. A reading of more than 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) after two hours indicates diabetes. A reading between 140 and 199 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L and 11.0 mmol/L) indicates prediabetes.

A stressful lifestyle, an unbalanced diet, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, dehydration; can increase fasting glucose levels. No matter what causes the increase, blood glucose levels are a great indicator of health.

Relative Fat Mass (RFM)

Researchers are looking for better ways to uniformly measure body fat that are better than BMI. The relative fat mass is still being studied, but one which some researchers claim is more relevant. RFM is easy to calculate and has slightly different formulas applied for men and women. The final numbers will classify people more accurately, compared with BMI.


Health practitioners will continue to use BMI to measure obesity and the state of health of patients.  BMI will still be the first tool to categorize obesity. While BMI has its useful applications, it only gives you a limited perspective on how healthy you may (or may not) be.

Can you sense what your body is telling you without the help of the health markers? Often the presence of hypertension and diabetes are asymptomatic. Their long presence may well be a silent killer.

Using the other health markers together presents a more realistic state of health, many of which can be self-monitored at home. With regular self -measurements, you can tell when the readings deviate from the norm and seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Knowing your health status at home gives a feeling of confidence in your wellbeing. It also offers you a more personal connection to your state of wellness. This allows you to be more responsible for your health and provides additional motivation to maintain your healthy lifestyle.   Your wellness check-ups will be extended to annual checkups. By being proactive with your health, you can save your medical bills and spend more time on creating wealth as well as spending quality time with your family.

Click for Paleo Recipes



Maintain a Healthy BMI: A Review of 2 Fitness Trackers

Maintaining a good BMI.

A healthy BMI means we maintain an optimum weight. Of course, some effort needs to be taken to achieve a great BMI. If your BMI is not where you desire it to be, you are overweight and should find ways to lower your weight, through diet and exercise. You may want to reduce your food (caloric) intake and increase your exercise. You are at increased risk for a variety of illnesses at your present weight. You should lose weight by changing your diet and exercising more. For starters, exercise should be at least 60-90 minutes for three days in the week. Staying hydrated and eating a balanced diet are equally important.

A Healthy BMI-Go For It
Targeting a Healthy BMI

 Apps to monitor workouts.

Nowadays, there are numerous apps to assist in monitoring the progress of workouts. Running, jogging, biking—it does not matter how you exercise, keeping track of your workouts is essential. Apps allows you to set goals, uses a built-in GPS to record routes in real-time, and even lets you share your successes with your friends. More often the fitness tracker is incorporated in your smartwatch which is linked to your hand phone by Bluetooth.

Fitness Trackers.

Choosing the right fitness tracker app is just as important as choosing your smart watch. After all, the algorithms that measure and analyze your data are simply sophisticated– not just the sensors themselves.

Often, they offer a better experience with more reliable and interesting insights. However, they cost more because you are paying for the research and development of the software as well as the hardware. If you want to move on to a healthy lifestyle, a great motivator would be using a compelling app.

However, for basics such as step counts, core heart vitals and hours of sleep, the ever-expanding range from Chinese brands such as Amazfit, Xiaomi and Huawei are now major contenders.


Today we are reviewing only 2 brands of fitness trackers:

  • Honor Band 6 by Huawei
  • Samsung Galaxy Fit 2

Honor Band 6 by Huawei

  • Huawei, the Chinese tech giant introduced it to the market in November, 2020.
Key Features

It features a 1.47-inch, 194 x 368 resolution AMOLED touchscreen display –  It goes head-to-head with the likes of the Huawei Watch Fit, which offers a bigger screen than traditional trackers like the Fitbit Charge 4.

It is water resistant up to 50 metres making it suitable for swimming and showering.

In terms of tracking and biometrics there’s Huawei’s TruSeen 4.0 optical heart rate monitor to take care of continuous monitoring and tracking during exercise with 10 sports modes supported.

No GPS is provided, which could be a downside, but not important for everyone.

It will also be able to take blood oxygen measurements via the built in SpO2 sensor, and it has accelerometer and gyroscope motion sensors on board to track activity.

There is a big case and a decent battery life from the 180mAh battery. The Band 6 offers 14 days battery life with 10 days “heavy use”, seems promising and impressive. The battery will plug into any USB-A port and attaches magnetically to the tracker. A full charge takes a little over an hour, but the included fast charge tech means that just ten minutes on charge should net you another three days or so of use – perfect if you only discover at the last minute that it is running low.

With 5 ATM water-resistance, you can wear this in the pool (with swim-tracking supported) or keep it on when you shower.

The biggest change from 2019’s Honor Band 5 is the jump to a much larger 1.47in AMOLED display. It is big, bright – and colourful – without making the tracker itself feel too bulky. Plus, the extra screen space makes the whole experience of moving around menus much more enjoyable. The bigger screen means a move to a case that’s 43mm tall. It is a bit chunky at 11mm thick but weighs a mere 18g.

The body of the tracker is black, with an Honor logo inscribed on one side, and a solitary button on the other. The silicon strap is unfortunately non-removable, with a choice of black, grey, or pink.

Pros Cons
  • Large display
  • Stress & sleep tracking
  • 5 ATM water-resistance
  • Excellent battery life


  • Only 10 exercise types
  • No GPS or NFC
  • Inconsistent SpO2 measurements


Custom Software

The Band 6 runs on Honor’s own custom software, which really means it runs on Huawei’s software. Still, thanks to the larger display this OS is at its best here, with plenty of space on the screen to make every screen comfortable to read and navigate.

The single button is used to access a few quick shortcuts and start workouts, and otherwise you swipe up to access settings, or across to move between the default watch face and screens including your heart rate and stress scores, the music player, and activity goals.

App – the biggest giveaway that this was originally designed along with Huawei. Honor has not yet released its own health app, and even if it does it’s not clear if the Band 6 would support it or continue to use Huawei’s.

In any case, this is a perfectly functional app, if not the most attractive around. The tiled home screen gives you access to all your health and fitness data, while the Exercise tab gives you a few handy guided run options.

The app can be linked to Google Fit, Apple Health, and MyFitnessPal for data sharing, but that’s it – no other exercise or health apps are supported.

Selling Price

The key selling point of the Honor Band 6 is the price. At just £43.99/$61.09 this is one of the most affordable trackers on the market. You can grab it right now from Amazon.

It undercuts the £60 Huawei Band 6 (unavailable in the US), which is almost exactly the same other than an extra band color and more exercise options, while you’d have to spend at least double for the closest comparable Fitbit.

The Honor Band 6 is not perfect, but it is enough for a beginner, to make it a decent option for anyone looking for an affordable fitness tracker. It has a range of tracking options, a big screen and excellent battery life, plus a 5 ATM water-resistance rating. Overall, the Honor Band 6 is light and comfortable enough that you can wear 24/7 for at least six weeks, taking advantage of the waterproofing and sleep-tracking so that it is only taken it off to charge it up.

The Honor Band 6 delivers an awful lot for the price and makes it hard to justify spending more.

 Samsung Galaxy Fit 2

Samsung Galaxy Fit 2
The Korean tech giant introduced it in September 2020.
Key features.
  • 1.1-inch AMOLED touchscreen display
  • Works with Android phones and iPhones
  • Tracks steps. Auto workout tracking for walking, running, dynamic workout
  • 5 ATM (up to 50 metres) waterproof rating
  • Accelerometer-based workout and sports tracking
  • Automatic sleep monitoring
  • Includes heart rate sensor and monitor.
  • Displays notifications.
  • 15 days battery life (typical usage)
Pros Cons
  • Large display with 126  x  294 resolution.
  • Stress & sleep tracking
  • 5 ATM water-resistance
  • Excellent battery life
  • Only 5 activity types
  • No GPS or NFC
  • No SpO2 measurements


The Fit 2 boasts a 1.1-inch AMOLED screen partnered up with a slimmer band that fits well compared to its predecessor.

For fitness tracking, you have an accelerometer and a gyroscope sensor to track movement like steps, and which are also used for the onboard sports modes.

Like most trackers, that accelerometer is used for enabling automatic sleep monitoring too. There is an optical heart rate monitor used for continuous monitoring and real-time tracking during exercise.

Automated workout support for activities including running, elliptical and indoor rowing, are available but there are accuracy issues.  This Samsung fitness tracker is fit for the pool but does not track your activity in the water.

There’s no SpO2 sensor, and no altimeter to track elevation like stairs climbed. though the lack of any form of GPS support means you are relying on motion sensors to accurately track outdoor activities.

There are dedicated modes for running, cycling, pool swimming and a general outdoor workout mode. There’s also automatic workout tracking for five activities.

On that AMOLED display, you can take control of your music, view notifications and send quick replies if you are an Android phone owner. There are also a big choice of watch faces to select.

Like most fitness trackers these days, Samsung also tries to squeeze in some smartwatch features, besides it slim silicone band, in black or scarlet.

With notifications, you can swipe right from the main watch screen and see a maximum of four notifications. They are displayed as app icons, which you can tap to expand.

You can scroll through entire tweets, though emails will just give you the subject line. You can respond to notifications for quick replies that can also be customized.

For battery life, you can expect around the seven-day mark depending on usage. The first Galaxy Fit packed a 120mAh battery, which promised seven days of battery life. The Fit 2 promises to go further than that. It’s moved to a bigger 159mAh battery that Samsung says is capable of delivering up to 15 days in typical use and 21 days in low usage.

Most people will want to track sleep and probably monitor heart rate continuously, along with turning on notifications, tracking workouts and having the screen at mid brightness level. This tracking would still going to continue for seven days, with room to go further if you are not tracking exercise every day or continuously monitoring heart rate.

In general, it does not drain battery in any undesirable way and it matches with other budget trackers at this price point.

Special Features

Smartwatch features like notification support and the ability to switch out watch faces on the gorgeous 0.95-inch AMOLED touchscreen display are still provided. However, there are no music player controls, payment features or Bixby support, but considering the price one does not expect such features. Music controls can be found when you swipe down from that watch face to get to the settings. You’ll see current song playing and can skip back or forwards and control volume.

You can also add the music controls as a widget if you do not want to dig through the settings to find them. What is slightly disappointing is that it does not appear that you can access those music controls during a workout.

There are 12 of those widgets in total and they include things like weather forecasts, access to your calendar, setting up alarms and a hand wash timer, which is welcomed given the current situation.

Things you will not get here that you will find on Samsung smartwatches include payments, apps and a music player. Though that is not massively surprising given the size and price of this tracker.

It might not be awash with smartwatch features, but what does make the cut worked for us. Notifications do not feel horribly cramped and watch face support is solid too. The inability to control music during exercise was disappointing though.

How Samsung classifies typical usage in fine print on its website is when you’re not wearing it to track sleep. That low usage battery is based on also turning off heart rate tracking and automatic exercise tracking.

There is no form of GPS support.

You need to download the Samsung Health phone app to dig deeper into your data. It is here where you can do things like manually log weight, water, blood pressure and blood oxygen.

Samsung has streamlined the look and bring the price point down to make it much better value for money.

Selling Price

Price when reviewed: $49 to $59. Still a good budget choice.

Available at Amazon.


Personally, I would be tempted to buy the Samsung Galaxy Fit 2 tracker for its compact size and offering more settings, but then the Honor 6 tracker is also value for money for the same class of watches and fitness trackers.

Not Happy With Your BMI?

Are you not happy with your BMI?

Let us recap. A good BMI is between 18.5 to less than 25. To be underweight means having a BMI less than 18.5. To be in the overweight category, your BMI lies between 25.0 to 30. Higher than 30, you are considered to be obese.

Let us check your BMI. Are you happy with it?
Click here to calculate your BMI

More on BMI

What does it feel to be obese?

Today we will discuss high BMI or obesity. Most people do not like to be called obese. Obesity is not a pleasant word to their ears. Obesity is linked to lethargy, overeating, huge appetites, suppressed satiety,  and over-sensitivity if declined food.

Obesity leads to negative emotions, distress, anger, fear, causes low self-esteem, and creates a lack of self-confidence.

Signs of low self esteem

Being unhappy tends to spread around and it is reflected by relationships with others. The obese person often tends to keep to himself and is unfriendly to others around him. He has a self-imposed shield to protect himself from being ridiculed due to his physical attribute.

Being alone leads to poor dietary habits, sedentary behavior, negative mood swings, and pessimistic attitudes.

Challenges to the Obese

For the obese to take action, he/ she must first accept the fact that he/she is obese. Self-denial and attributing obesity to external factors such as genetics and heredity is a likely barrier to weight loss. Once the obese individual realizes the implications and health risks due to obesity, then only public health initiatives can succeed.

It is very challenging to lose a big chunk of your weight. More often than not, people tend to give up and revert to their original situation or gain more weight afterward.

There are many organizations advising and offering lifestyle and diet changes.  However, maintaining a good and healthy lifestyle requires strong willpower and lots of self-motivation. Studies show that even with professional help, 85% of individuals regained weight or exceeded pre-treatment weight 3-5 years post-treatment.

Why do we let these professionals get rich while we do not benefit from their assistance?

Let’s get out of our comfort zone

If you want to live longer and enjoy a better quality of life, you have to make sacrifices. Get out of your comfort zone. You must take control of your life; and your health.

  • Drop all your poor dietary habits now. Today. No more smoking, nor excessive alcohol use.
  • Get up from your couch. No more watching ‘Netflix’, playing computer games, and interacting with social media.
  • Change your unhealthy diet.
  • Get out of your house and see your neighborhood. Take gentle walks before you progress to brisk walks.
  • If need be, if you already have underlying health issues like diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease; seek your physician’s advice before you start your exercise regime.
  • Also, seek professional help from personal health trainers to customize your exercise regime.
  • Improve your health literacy, subscribe to health journals and set goals to reduce your BMI.
  • Seek the company of people with similar goals.

The onus is on each of us to make society a healthy one. Let us all work to build a healthy and caring society.

Continue reading “Not Happy With Your BMI?”

BMI as measure of fitness

Recap on Body Mass Index, BMI

Let us recap how BMI can be used as one of the tools for you to have a healthy lifestyle.

What does an ideal BMI tell you? We understand that BMI is a measure of wellness in a person. If you are in the ideal range of 18.5 to 24.9, you are good. Less than 18.5, mean that you are underweight. Underweight does not necessarily mean that you are safe. It is generally all right if you are fit, but if you fall sick; you may need the excess fat reserves to help you pull through the loss of appetite and reduced food intake stage. Therefore, it is psychologically uplifting to be in the ideal range.

Effects of Obesity

A BMI of between 25 and 29.9 is overweight and anything above 30 means obese. Obesity may be hereditary due to common eating habits or due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Obesity would tip the medical bills and lead to layoff and reduced productivity. Prolonged obesity would lead to higher blood pressures, higher blood sugar levels and increase in blood cholesterol. All these factors would eventually lead to hypertension, diabetes and early signs heart and kidney damage.

For people with big physical frames, the measure of BMI may not be a right measure of obesity. BMI cannot measure lean mass ( bones and lean muscle), in comparison to body fat. Since body fat loves to encircle the waistline, doctors often use waist measurement as an additional indicator of obesity.

Strategies to reduce BMI

You must remember that besides BMI, other indicators of good health include resting heart rate, percentage fat and its location in the human body, the concentration of oxygen in the blood, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

The good thing is that if your BMI is ideal, the fitness level is also optimized. Cholesterol, blood pressure and sugar level readings will automatically be reduced once your BMI is reduced if you are in the overweight category.

Here are some things one can do to reduce high BMI readings:

i. Adopt healthy lifestyle habits and behaviors and stick to them forever.

ii. Change daily routine to include exercise. It is recommended that to mitigate unhealthy risks, one has to complete 150 to 200 minutes of moderate physical activity per week which includes two days of strength training. It takes 45 minutes per day to erase the effects of the risks of a sedentary lifestyle and 30 minutes per day to mitigate the effects. Moderate activity include brisk walking and swimming, while vigorous activity include running and circuit training of different exercises.

iii. Sleep is an important component of good health. So, it is good practice to adhere to a regular sleeping routine and rhythm. Sleeping under reduced light encourages the release of the hormone. melatonin which induces restful sleep. Keeping electronic gadgets away while you sleep is also a good habit. You should set your room to be at a comfortable temperature and perhaps have an essential oil diffuser to provide good aromatherapy while you sleep.

iv. Diet is the last important factor in a healthy lifestyle. There are a lot of different diets you can adapt to reduce your weight. Basically you should focus on a healthy diet of whole grains, fruits and vegetables as sources of carbohydrate, reduce the intake of sugar and salt and include unsaturated fats in your diet. A balance diet should include also food components (carbs, fat, vitamins, minerals and protein) but portions should be reduced.

Unhealthy lifestyle habits.

Poor lifestyle habits are key contributors to the development and progression of lifestyle disease such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. Among the bad and unhealthy lifestyle behaviors include the following:

i. Spending a lot of time on sedentary activity which does not expend much energy. This include time spent on the internet (email, social media, video games), print media (newspapers and magazines) and broadcast media (Netflix, radio and television). One must set a schedule to include frequent movement in the daily routine. Walk instead of drive, climb stairs instead of taking the lifts.

ii. Eating junk food and drinking too much alcohol.

iii. Overeating as well as irregular meals are not good habits.

iv. Smoking and drug abuse.

v. Lack of exercise

vi. Stressful living and working conditions.


It is clear from the above arguments that an ideal BMI is not impossible if you have a healthy lifestyle.

Click the links below if you need help to reduce your BMI:

reverse hypertension

reverse diabetes

keto diet


When you buy through the links on our site, we may earn affiliate commissions.

Body Mass Index (BMI)


Let’s talk about BMI today. What is BMI? Body Mass Index, BMI for short, is a measure of how your body is proportionate to your height. It is calculated by dividing the body mass in kilograms by the square of the body height in meters squared.  A body mass index calculator can be accessed on the internet for anyone to calculate his BMI.

The BMI value is used to estimate how far an individual adult body weight departs from what is normal compared with a person’s height. From the value of the BMI, we can tell whether a person is underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese. Knowing one’s BMI is a good guide to health maintenance too.

In underdeveloped and poor countries, a low BMI of less than 18.5, is prevalent which may indicate malnutrition or other health problems. In other countries, a high BMI of more than 25 may indicate a society of overnourished individuals who are either overweight or obese. In developed countries, low BMI may indicate eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

The following table indicates how in general, how health risk can be anticipated with the value of BMI

Health Risk BMI (kg/m2)
Risk of developing osteoporosis and nutritional deficiency syndrome. Under 18.5
Low Risk (Healthy Range). 18.5 to 25
Moderate risk of developing heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and diabetes. 25 to 30
High risk of developing heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and diabetes. Over 30

Overweight and obese individuals are associated with a 51% increase in mortality compared to normal weight persons due to a greater risk for the following diseases:

  • Coronary artery disease
  • Dyslipidemia (high cholesterol)
  • Type 2   diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Osteoporosis
  • Stroke
  • Sleep apnea
  • Cancer
  • Gallbladder disease.

The next question that arises is, ‘How do we get an ideal BMI?’

We must take control of the situation to take control of our life.

Before taking any drastic action, if your BMI is relatively high, it is advisable to get a thorough medical examination. From the results of the medical checkup and with a qualified physician’s advice and monitoring, one would be more confident in achieving success. You never know your heart or kidneys are already compromised and you cannot suddenly embark on a rough exercise protocol. If you are still medically fit, then you can make plans to change your lifestyle habits. Change your diet to eating healthy and go on morning walks, cycle or join a taichi group. Getting enough rest (sleep) is also important.

low impact exercise healthy diet

If you are already diagnosed with any hypertension or diabetes, it is good to have a daily record of what you eat against readings from a glucometer and a blood pressure monitor. Investing in monitoring your health is a great investment for good health management.

Below are 3 links for you to explore how to improve your health or the health of loved ones with diabetes and hypertension. Simple exercises and change of diet will improve, if not reverse your diabetes and/or hypertension. Feel free to click the links below:

reverse your diabetes

reverse your high blood pressure

keto diet
Continue reading “Body Mass Index (BMI)”

What is a Healthy Lifestyle?

healthy lifestyle
A healthy life is a happy life

Today we will continue to talk about what a healthy lifestyle living is.

What does it take to be healthy and lead a happy and stress-free life?

Healthy people get to do what they want when they want, assuming they have no financial worries. People leading a healthy lifestyle get to go traveling on long journeys, enjoy leisure activities for fun and relaxation like walking, swimming, playing games, visiting friends and keeping up with their family and relatives. For those who are more adventurous, they may venture into activities like hunting, fishing, boating, kayaking, canoeing, cycling, rock climbing/hiking or even skiing.

So, what is a healthy lifestyle?

A healthy lifestyle would include the following:

1. Adopting a healthy lifestyle diet of balanced and nutritious meals. A balanced meal has the right proportions of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins. The relative proportions would vary between an adult, a child, and an elderly person.

2. Maintain an optimal weight BMI (body mass index). A good score for a normal person is a BMI score of 18.5 to 24.9. An overweight person would have a BMI score of 25.0 to 29.9. You are obese if you have a BMI score of 30.0 and above.

3. Participate in exercise or sports activities for attaining body fitness and feel-good feeling.

4. Getting adequate sleep is the fourth factor of a healthy lifestyle. When you have done all of the above, you will automatically find that you can get to sleep easier and there are fewer worries and less stress in your life.

5. Adopting good personal hygiene habits. The human body is a conducive host to germs, bacteria, and parasites to thrive. So practicing good personal hygiene is encouraged. Good hygiene includes taking regular showers, brushing the teeth at least twice a day, washing the hair with shampoo at least once a week, and washing hands with soap after visiting the restrooms. Other good personal hygiene habits would be to washing hands with soap before preparing and eating food, wearing clean clothes, and avoiding overcrowded places.

5. To complement the above healthy lifestyle habits, one should not smoke, drink alcohol, consume drugs and practice safe sex. It is better to stick to one partner than have multiple partners. You should also protect yourself from the ultraviolet radiation from the sun and get medical screening tests done at least once a year.

A healthy lifestyle means your life is more structured and less unpredictable.
A poor diet and lack of exercise would lead to obesity and a multitude of health problems like hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.
A lethargic lifestyle is an unhappy lifestyle, so let’s get moving for a healthy life and increase our longevity.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle.

To most British people or British educated people, when they meet, the greeting is often, ‘ Hello, how are you?’. It is as if they are concerned over your well being. Who do people want to be healthy? What can healthy people do that unhealthy cannot?
You may have heard the saying that ‘health is wealth’. Having tons of money without good health to enjoy it, is meaningless.
Why do I hear chats behind my house so early in the morning by exercise freaks jogging or cycling? You see my house is located at the edge of a water catchment area where it is still green and we can still enjoy the fresh air and wildlife around it. The jogging and cycling track runs at the corner from the back to the front of my house.
Why do people sacrifice their sleep to hit the treadmill, push their bikes and butts out? Besides that, why do they watch what goes into their mouths, avoid sweet, salty and oily meals and go for nutritive and healthy lifestyle diets?

One would be rewarded for making a wise investment to lead an active and healthy lifestyle by regular exercise, adopting a healthy diet, conducting regular health screening and preventive maintenance at the healthcare clinics. The importance of a healthy lifestyle is supported by the following benefits:

A healthy body and mind will have no health issues The appearance of the skin, teeth and nails would improve.
The facial glow will make the person look younger. An increase in life expectancy would follow.

A healthy person will have the opportunity to enjoy his interests and hobbies like love for travelling. He also has the chance to
help those in need and contribute back to society.

A healthy person will have good mood swings and high energy levels. The good endorphins released during exercise promotes the
feel-good feeling.

Free radicals are being reduced in a healthy body. Coupled with the release of toxins from diet and exercise, the immune system is boosted and a healthy person would have good readings of blood pressure and cholesterol and also a reduced risk of contracting diabetes and heart disease.

With no life-threatening illnesses, a healthy person will have no hospitalization bills nor regular medical bills for medication and doctor visits. It is rather expensive to be unhealthy.

A healthy person with high energy levels and clarity of mind would be more productive in whatever work or recreation he indulges.

A healthy person carries himself with confidence.

A healthy person enjoys a better relationship with his family and peers as he has peace of mind and mental stability as he is not
saddled with health worries and other distractions.

Being healthy is not a choice but a must-have. Although often not everyone is blessed with good health, one must try his utmost best to attain it while he still can. We will talk about how to get a healthy lifestyle in the coming articles.

Please feel free to comment and add what it means to you to be healthy.

