What is a Healthy Lifestyle?

healthy lifestyle
A healthy life is a happy life

Today we will continue to talk about what a healthy lifestyle living is.

What does it take to be healthy and lead a happy and stress-free life?

Healthy people get to do what they want when they want, assuming they have no financial worries. People leading a healthy lifestyle get to go traveling on long journeys, enjoy leisure activities for fun and relaxation like walking, swimming, playing games, visiting friends and keeping up with their family and relatives. For those who are more adventurous, they may venture into activities like hunting, fishing, boating, kayaking, canoeing, cycling, rock climbing/hiking or even skiing.

So, what is a healthy lifestyle?

A healthy lifestyle would include the following:

1. Adopting a healthy lifestyle diet of balanced and nutritious meals. A balanced meal has the right proportions of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins. The relative proportions would vary between an adult, a child, and an elderly person.

2. Maintain an optimal weight BMI (body mass index). A good score for a normal person is a BMI score of 18.5 to 24.9. An overweight person would have a BMI score of 25.0 to 29.9. You are obese if you have a BMI score of 30.0 and above.

3. Participate in exercise or sports activities for attaining body fitness and feel-good feeling.

4. Getting adequate sleep is the fourth factor of a healthy lifestyle. When you have done all of the above, you will automatically find that you can get to sleep easier and there are fewer worries and less stress in your life.

5. Adopting good personal hygiene habits. The human body is a conducive host to germs, bacteria, and parasites to thrive. So practicing good personal hygiene is encouraged. Good hygiene includes taking regular showers, brushing the teeth at least twice a day, washing the hair with shampoo at least once a week, and washing hands with soap after visiting the restrooms. Other good personal hygiene habits would be to washing hands with soap before preparing and eating food, wearing clean clothes, and avoiding overcrowded places.

5. To complement the above healthy lifestyle habits, one should not smoke, drink alcohol, consume drugs and practice safe sex. It is better to stick to one partner than have multiple partners. You should also protect yourself from the ultraviolet radiation from the sun and get medical screening tests done at least once a year.

A healthy lifestyle means your life is more structured and less unpredictable.
A poor diet and lack of exercise would lead to obesity and a multitude of health problems like hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.
A lethargic lifestyle is an unhappy lifestyle, so let’s get moving for a healthy life and increase our longevity.

4 thoughts on “What is a Healthy Lifestyle?”

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